Our theme for today’s readings is: Temptation and Sin.
1st Sunday of Lent
Here is a portion from our Saint Joseph Sunday missal commentaries:
“Since human beings are both God’s masterpiece and fallen creatures, temptation and sin are daily realities which no psychology can talk away.
“Sin is willfully breaking that beautiful love-relationship with God that is called grace. We do not accomplish this easily, although we are tempted daily not to live up to the ideal of love of God and neighbor as we should. Whether or not our daily failures should be called ‘sin’ is not important. But we should not take them for granted.
“One of the great temptations that ruin beautiful relationships (marriage, friendships) is the routine of daily failures. It is a kind of indifference (lack of interest and concern) that renders a love-relationship stale and trite. Finally it gets boring and the next step is a breakup.
“Today’s Bible readings should make us take a realistic look at our relationship with our marriage partner, friends, children, and parents in whom God approaches us and our direct relationship with God in both private prayer and worship. Beware of the temptation of indifference. “
We have three common weaknesses: (from the Gospel reading)
1. Physical — Food, sex, shopping (if you are god’s son turn this stone into bread).
2. Praises from other people (throw yourself down and the angels will help you — something spectacular)
3. Power over others (worship me and I will give the world’s kingdom to you).
We are tempted on a regular basis on any of these three weaknesses. We need to imitate Christ and be successful in three areas of temptation.
With Spiritual Conversion, we have more strength to fight temptation. If we have experienced Spiritual Rebirth or Renewal and we regularly read the Sacred Book, go to confession and Holy Communion, we are more equip with God’s grace in fighting temptation.
One big mistake can lead to a miserable relationship problem, long term painful existence, negative effect on children’s psychological development, and many other consequences.
We should avoid places where temptation is a possibility. Hang out with people or friends that will lead you into a clean life or better still into a life of Spirituality. Join a group in your local church that suits your personality. It may be the choir, catechists group, Bible Study group, prayer group, pastoral council, charismatic group, or Sunday school group.
(When you join these groups, do not expect those people there to be perfect. They are on the same journey. Rather be a leader by example).
Happy Sunday to everyone. Grace and Peace from The Lord !