Today is the feast of:
“The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ”
Our theme for today’s reading is: Sharing Life with Christ.
One of the most memorable gift that The Lord Jesus left us with was during the last supper when He broke a bread, gave it to the Apostles to eat and poured wine to a cup, asked the Apostles to drink from it, representing His body and blood. He then said, “Do this in memory of me.”
Both the physical practice of receiving Holy Communion every Sunday and our wholehearted obedience to our Lord’s commandments are important for our total transformation into that “new person” which He so longed for us to have.
C.S. Lewis said the physical practice of receiving Holy Communion will have some kind of super biological effect in our growth as a person. Little by little, every Sunday, the receiving of the Bread and Wine, The Body and Blood of Christ, will have some impact into our life.
Father John C. Kersten suggested that every time we take part in the Eucharisric celebration, we should enter a more intimate relationship with Jesus.
We should slowly acquire a righteousness of character moving towards that of Christ. A sensitivity on the needs and hurts of others moving towards that of Christ. A love for others — neighbors, strangers, foreign nationals, criminals, terrorists, Hindu, Muslims, Budhists, and the environments — moving towards that of Christ.
Happy feast day of:
“The Most Holy Body and Blood Of Christ”
to everyone !
Happy Father’s Day !
Blessed are the fathers who choose to die every week with their pride and preferences for the love of family.