The theme for today’s readings is: Faith.
Here is a portion of the commentaries as gathered from our St. Joseph Sunday missal:
“King Ahaz has more faith in a treaty with the Assyrians than in God (represented by the prophet Isaiah) who approached him …. It is faith in God that saves us from a meaningless existence. God is willing to step into the darkness of our confusion. Loneliness is the greatest threat to happiness. A person alone has no answer. A loner is an unhappy person, depressed, …. “Emmanuel” (God with-us) in Jesus Christ saves us from ourselves. Time and again Christmas reminds Christians that God came to share our human situation on this planet.”
Faith is the complete trust and confidence in God, our Creator. It is borne out of the belief that the One God who has already given us the gift of life will surely be thinking more of what is good for us rather than harm. It is validated by the circumstances in our life. Faith is a relationship. With faith we are not alone.
Faith is a gift channelled through the sacraments, such as baptism, the sacrament of marriage, confession, and Holy communion. It grows as we follow the will of God and pay reverence to Him. It is nourished by our daily devotion to prayer and our acts of love towards neighbors.
Faith is one of the best gifts from God. It makes our life less stressful and the load in our shoulder lighter. At the end of the day, it makes sleeping easy and a welcome treat.
Christmas is near!
Let us ask The Lord to help us increase our faith.